Knowledge translation grants propel cutting-edge dementia research into impact


Alzheimer Society of Canada and Brain Canada Foundation Announce KTE Accelerator Grant Recipients

KTE Acc Grant Banner image

Through the Knowledge Translation and Exchange (KTE) Accelerator Grants program, the Alzheimer Society of Canada and the Brain Canada Foundation have awarded five grants totaling $250,000 to accelerate the dissemination of dementia research findings, to audiences beyond academic researchers.

A key component of the Alzheimer Society Research Program, KTE Accelerator Grants are designed to stimulate innovative and outside-the-box ideas that ensure research translates into implementation and eventually impact. These grants provide researchers with funding to develop materials that build on their existing research and help broaden the audience for their findings beyond academia.

“Distilling complex research for a broad range of audiences is a crucial part of our work at the Alzheimer Society of Canada. Putting knowledge into practice is absolutely essential to make a real difference for people living with dementia and caregivers, as well as the professionals and systems who support them," said Christopher Barry, CEO, Alzheimer Society of Canada. "On behalf of ASC, I'd like to congratulate the recipients of this year's Knowledge Translation and Exchange Accelerator Grants. I'm excited to see how these ideas will help people living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementias live longer, fulfilling lives.”

“The KTE Accelerator Grants aim to foster creative and unconventional ideas that facilitate the transformation of research into practical application, leading to tangible outcomes” said Dr. Viviane Poupon, President and CEO of Brain Canada. “Our collaboration with the Alzheimer Society of Canada to support these KTE grants is an exciting stride towards ensuring that the dissemination of scientific findings on dementia reaches new audiences across Canada.”

About the KTE Accelerator Grant recipients and their work

Caitlin McArthur, Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University

Improving function and quality of life: rehabilitation for long-term care residents with moderate to severe dementia

Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are prevalent in long-term care (LTC) but understudied. LTC residents with dementia experience high levels of disability. The team has gathered information about effective rehabilitation interventions, goals for rehabilitation, and what makes it harder or easier for rehabilitation professionals to provide services for LTC residents with dementia. The purpose of this project is to develop and disseminate a training program for rehabilitation providers based on our previous work and the current literature.

Laura Middleton, Associate Professor, University of Waterloo

Spreading the impact of the dementia resources for eating, activity and meaningful inclusion (DREAM) toolkit

This grant builds on two related projects: the Dementia-Inclusive Choices for Exercise (DICE) project (funded by the Alzheimer Society Research Program); and the Dementia Resources for Eating, Activity, and Meaningful inclusion (DREAM) project. The overarching aims of DICE and DREAM projects were to co-develop resources to increase the number, quality, and variety of physical activity (including exercise and non-exercise), healthy eating, and mealtime programs and services that meet the needs of, and are accessible to, persons with dementia. The KTE goals of this application are to share knowledge about dementia and dementia-inclusive practices by generating awareness and buy-in of the DICE and DREAM toolkits in meaningful and sustainable ways by integrating learning modules into training and continuing education opportunities for people who deliver exercise, physical activity, healthy eating, meals, and wellness programs and services.

Gary Naglie, Associate Scientist, Rotman Research Institute; Vice-President, Medical Services, Baycrest; Chief of Staff, Baycrest; Hunt Family Chair in Geriatric Medicine

Accelerating the reach of the driving and dementia roadmap

This project focuses on accelerating awareness about the importance of the issue of driving cessation by promoting the uptake of the Driving and Dementia Roadmap (DDR). The DDR is an online educational resource (toolkit) comprised of evidence-based information, resources and tools aimed at supporting people with dementia, family, friends, carers and healthcare providers through the complex and emotion-laden process of decision-making and transitioning to non-driving.

Marie Savundranayagam, Professor, Western University

Accelerating the integration of Be EPIC-VR in Dementia Care

Personal support workers provide the most formal care to people living with dementia. Their formal training often does not address complex dementia-related communication impairments and responsive behaviours. The research team created Be EPIC, a dementia-specific, person-centered communication training program for frontline healthcare workers. Training includes interactive modules followed immediately by practicing newly learned skills in simulations with trained actors, reflection, and feedback.

Eric Smith, Professor, University of Calgary – Inaugural recipient of the Roger Marple KTE Accelerator Award*

Empowering individuals at risk for or living with vascular cognitive impairment: A co-developed video series promoting engagement, prevention strategies, and self-management

This project proposes to create a series of YouTube videos to promote awareness, prevention, and treatment of Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI), based on knowledge generated and synthesized by the Vascular Illness Team of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) in collaboration with the Vascular Training Platform (VAST; a CIHR-funded Health Research Training Platform created by the CCNA Vascular Illness Team), the CCNA’s Engagement of People with Lived Experience with Dementia (EPLED) program, and community partners.

*In recognition of Roger Marple – a champion of fighting dementia stigma, who was diagnosed with young-onset dementia in 2015 – the top ranked applicant is recognized with the Roger Marple KTE Accelerator Award title.

About the Alzheimer Society 

The Alzheimer Society is Canada’s leading nationwide health charity for people living with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Active in communities across Canada, the Society provides information, programs, and services to those living with a diagnosis and their caregivers

About Brain Canada

Brain Canada plays a unique and invaluable role as a national convenor of those who support and advance brain research. A greater understanding of how the brain works contributes to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of disorders of the brain, ultimately improving the health outcomes of people in Canada and around the world. To learn more, visit

Media Contact: 

James Harrison 

Alzheimer Society of Canada 
[email protected] 

Brielle Goulart

Brain Canada
[email protected]

Learn more about the Alzheimer Society Research Program at

The Alzheimer Society Research Program

The Alzheimer Society Research Program is one of Canada's most innovative hubs for dementia research, helping the brightest minds in the field spark their work from idea to impact. Since 1989, we have invested nearly $73 million in grants and awards toward innovative dementia research nationally.

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