Education for healthcare providers in B.C.

We offer in-person workshops, webinars, print materials and phone support services for health-care providers who work with people affected by dementia.



Our foundational workshop is called Building a strong foundation for dementia care, which includes an accompanying guidebook.

The workshop has six hours of content which can be adjusted to meet your needs.

Topics include:

  • Understanding Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
  • Strategies for communicating with people living with dementia
  • Responding to individual needs through a person-centred lens
  • Building successful relationships with families.

Other workshops

In partnership with SafeCare BC, we offer Creating connections: Working with people with dementia. Please visit SafeCare BC's workshop and events page to register for an upcoming workshop.


Our collection of live and recorded webinars are a great way to learn about dementia from anywhere. Click here to learn more.

How you say it matters: Strategies for strengthening communication with family caregivers

Watch the webinar, recorded on March 26, 2021, here.

Good communication between health-care providers and family caregivers is an essential ingredient for an effective care team. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the different ways that health-care providers communicate.

In this webinar, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. and Family Caregivers of BC share helpful strategies that health-care providers can use to strengthen communication with family caregivers, while Erin Beaudoin (CEO, Eden Gardens) offers the experiences and perspectives from the long-term care sector. This webinar is an opportunity for health-care providers to refine their communication skills and discuss ways to build strong partnerships with families.

What you will learn from this 45-minute webinar:

  • The importance of communication between health-care providers and family caregivers.
  • How to recognize burnout in yourself or your colleagues, and in family caregivers.
  • Tools to help you strengthen your communication skills.
  • Self-care strategies that can support you in managing difficult conversations

Both the Alzheimer Society of B.C. and Family Caregivers of BC deliver education for health-care providers to ensure they have the skills and confidence to support people in their care, informed by the voices of lived experience, to promote person-centered care and the importance of care teams.  

Accompanying resources: Communication resources for health-care providers and social sector professionals and Alzheimer Society of B.C. and Family Caregivers of B.C. resources 

Please note: This webinar is designed specifically for health-care providers and includes resources suited to meet their needs. If you are a family caregiver, call the First Link® Dementia Helpline for family resources:

  • English: 1-800-936-6033 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
  • Cantonese/Mandarin: 1-833-674-5007 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
  • Punjabi: 1-833-674-5003 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Print materials and helpful links

To access Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s newsletters, brochures, and fact sheets, click here.

Click here to review current guidelines for care for working with people living with dementia.

Find the Canadian Centre for Elder Law's resources to empower people affected by dementia in making legal and health-care decisions here.

To learn about how to support caregivers on the dementia journey – including yourself as a health-care professional, click here.

To access the full Building a strong foundation for dementia care guidebook click here, or follow the links to sections within the guidebook on: Understanding dementiaUnderstanding communicationUnderstanding behaviour and Understanding what families experience


Phone support

If you have questions about Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, call our toll-free First Link® Dementia Helpline for information and support.

  • English: 1-800-936-6033 (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.)
  • Cantonese and Mandarin: 1-833-674-5007 (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
  • Punjabi: 1-833-674-5003 (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)


To schedule a workshop or find more information about health-care provider resources, please contact: